Contract must be completed.
Dogs must be vaccinated for rabies, distemper/ parvo and bordetella*.
Canine Cough can be contracted anytime your dog comes in contact with another dog. We recommend all dogs boarding should have the bordetella vaccine every six months, but the vaccine is like the human flu shot and does not immunize all dogs against all strains of canine cough.
Cats must be vaccinated for rabies and must have received their annual combo vac.
Primrose Lane Farm must have a copy of the rabies certificate.
It is highly recommended dogs have a license for the state in which they live.
We prefer that your dog remain on its current diet. Dietary changes can cause stress and stomach upset. If you choose to not provide food you will be charged $1.00 dollar a day.
You MUST have an appointment to pickup and drop off. This is for the benefit of you and your pet so that your belongings and paperwork will be prepared and we will not be busy with other clients.

Your pets portioned food/favorite treats, labeled
Your pets favorite toys they can sleep with.
No need for bedding! Primrose Lane uses Kuranda cots and fleece pads.
©2004 Primrose Lane Farm, LLC
Spring City, PA 484-369-1666