Why Daycare?
Simply, your dog will be happier. In Daycare dogs romp and play all day with their pals. Doggie Daycare will have a positive effect on your canine friends physical and mental well being. Daycare can prevent future problems with your dog since bored dogs bark, dig, chew, and have indoor accidents. Dogs attending Daycare learn invaluable socialization skills that teach them to meet and interact with a variety of other dogs. |
Here at Primrose Lane Farm, dogs are separated into playgroups based on size, age, and play style. Your dog will be placed in a group where it is guarenteed to experience a great time! Playgroups are supervised by our experienced staff. Basic doggie manners will be expected and encouraged so that all of our guests have a wonderful time. Training tools such as verbal corrections and time outs will be used to reinforce good behavoir. |
Whether your dog enjoys playing with pals, taking long walks, racing around the enclosed field or swimming, your dog will love it here. You will enjoy being able to relax after work with a tired and content pup. Why Daycare? Your dog will be happier and you will be happier knowing he/she is having a great time. |

©2006 Primrose Lane Farm, LLC
Spring City, PA 484-369-1666